Yea I sent off Sepphire's Birthday present today,
I don't really care,
even if we're broken up,
I still want her to see that atleast I still care,
Even if she doesn't.
When I did, I found out, Posting Packages at 9 in the morning
isn't such a good idea when you haven't really slept
That night.
Though the woman at the postoffice got a good laugh,
But their too used to me being a silly head whenever I'm there.
So yea the package,
I packed the package during the night,
I couldn't even find my scissors to cut the paper for the wraping,
Must have looked like a nutcase,
Sitting on the Floor with a roll of brown paper,
a huge box and a big knife.
In the Box,went,
Her B-day present,thought
her b-day isnt until the 10th,
but who cares.
a Late X-mas present that never got here
before x-mas.
A CD with some of our memories,
including some music,my art and our pictures.
A book, scented with my perfume,
that i've been writing to her in for a long time.
which mostly is concerning my thoughts and love for her.
she'll proberly burn it but i guess i dont care.
She proberly won't see that I can be sweet and romantic.
I love her still,even if she's a bitch towards me these days.
but I guess she has her reasons.
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