Ok Ok
For Those that DOESN'T Know,
I'm a lesbian but hey i'm sure thats been noticable through out
My blog so far.
There's something bout the whole deal that really really
Bugs me must of the time.
Actually the whole community bugs the hell outta me.
Oh god Don't even get me started
on the lesbian community,
i've been gay for what, 10 years now.
And In that time,I've discovered allot
about this so called community and how the system works.
I can't really compair myself to allot of the lesbians in the community.
Like, They get a girlfriend, they stay together for,hm a few
months like the typical lesbian relationship actually is.
They break up and a few days later,
oh look at that, a new girlfriend.
Are lesbians so fucking afraid of being alone?
It's like their relationships overlap each other.
Why oh why do I ask?
I do understand that we're a fewer % Than the hetrosexuals,
but oh my god is it even possible.
Just take my X forexample,
We were together for almost two years,
she recently dumped me,
And ofcourse,
not long after,
HEY got a new girlfriend.
First of all i dont understand it at all,
if you truly love someone,
that deeply as she claimed,
You don't run off with the first girl that comes your way.
Dear lord now she's almost had more girlfriends
than I have had in 10 years.
It actually makes me Question the love of lesbians,
how real it really is.
Arn't we meant for steady and long relationships?
Ofcourse I'm not judging everone at once,
but thats like 98% of all the lesbian I know.
Just look at the community where I live,
Most people have been a couple.
Ain't this country BIG enough that you don't
have to date your x's x?
or so?
I must honestly say, I personally, Got more Shame
Than Pride of Being Gay.
When I love,
I love with all my heart,
and if it ends,
I never throw myself right back out there.
I got more Pride in myself than so
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