Ah Yea so i've been a busy weekend to be honest.
Cleaning ,partying, BBQ'ing yea you name it.
I'm gonna post some pics, proberly with be mostly me but hey thats how it goes.
I got a hold of Sepphire, shes coming on the 2.july.
Yea thats going to get intresting. Havent heard anything from that chick in ages.
She told me we could remain friends,works for me but still weird I suppose,
I know how she feels bout X's lol.
So i guess i'll gather together her stuff, shes not getting the tv,xbox, or any of those things. we both payed for those after all and she was the one that left.
She can have her clothing and the computer that doesnt work.
Might sound a bit bitchy but yea well thats how it goes.
Last night i spent with my bestfriend.
BBQ and beer in the sun, it was truly wonderful.
I really do feel that life is good these days.
Just nice chilling, relaxing and just look at life you know.
We're good at that.
Flaming almost up her whole yard. hah.
I spent the night there cos suddenly it was 3 at night and I didn't really wanna go home on my own.
So this morning i woke up, meet my mom, went to the apartment, washed and cleaned some more.
Cursed at my stupid landlord hah yea cos he's an idiot.
And now i'm back at my mom's, today i think i will just chill and play some aion.
I did have a little nap but I woke up by the cat jumping on me.
Silly cat.
So anyhow here's the pictures I promised

My mom's red cat suddenly getting playful heh

Mommy's cute little boy

Tipsy in the sun, ahh I love the summer

Looks like i have a mohawk but i don't lol

More of my awsome hair hah

Pretty Flower in my bestfriend's yard.

anomnomnom Amstel, such an awsome beer. expensive though.

Holy shit its on fire!!

MMMMMMM! look at all that nice meat. I'd never....EVER Go vegan.

I Adore my hair so much ahhhh even if i do look like a huge ass dyke haha

TOMATOS! and cucumber. i kinda forgot the name hah
Last one I stole of my bestfriends blog, but i know she doesnt mind,love love love.