Fly With The Raven

The Messed Up Life Of The Lost And Confussed

Ugh Tired

I'm tired now,
To the point past caring.

I want cigarettes but I'm all out.


Who really cares anyway...


Faith And Arms

Aion Update!
Cos I like Spaming my Blog With pictures

Azule Posing for the cam all pretty

Azule Catching up on her reading,
Brains and mucles

The cutest Little Spirit master
Running up that hill! lala lala!

Damn desert

Damn What's Wrong With Wix's Wings?

The Pretty Valkyrie

Pretty as they get,
RainbowPrincess Posing for the cam


In My Head, In My Fucking Head

I can't Sleep,
My head, my stupid head.
Sometimes I wish I could turn it off.

I Don't know what exactly is keeping me awake,
but I can not sleep.
100's of things rushing through my head.

Let me Be Thoughts,
Leave me alone, for just a bit so I can rest.

It often finds me, late at night,
Those thoughts that sometimes haunt me.

I actually don't feel so good,
Feeling like i might be coming down with something.
Shivering and cold.

I should sleep,
Yea, Im a bit unsure, It's so light outside.
All ready morning.

Another day to work one self through.

I think im worried,
thinking bout the apartment,
I'm pretty sure the landlord wont let me live here another year.
I'm sure it will work out somehow.

Guess i'll try to get some rest.
Good night
